Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mylo: Destroy Rock and Roll

Mylo is definitely not one of the more well known artists. He's more obscure than curtains, yet he knows how to make music (sadly only one album so far). One song on his only album, Destroy Rock and Roll, has proved to be by far the most repetitive, yet one of the most addicting songs I've ever layed ears on. That song is "Drop the Pressure." Over 100 times saying "Motha fuckas gonna turn up da pressure." That can only be described as boss. Another noteworthy song is "Destroy Rock and Roll," where Mylo talks of famous musical artists such as Michael Jackson and U2 in an unusual manner. "In My Arms" is a mash-up of Kim Carne's "Bette Davis Eyes" and Waiting For a Star to Fall's "Boy Meets Girl." There's excellent mixing together all throughout. "Valley of the Dolls" is a soothing first track of the album, while "Emotion 98.6" is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard, being the last song on the album. You know what they say, "Saved the best for last!" Onto to the rating.

Mylo's debut and only album to date, Destroy Rock and Roll, gets a 9.8 out of 10. Go buy one of the decade's best albums.

The 'O' is covering his right eye. Genius!


  1. Amazing song, I'm definitely d/ling this! The choral background is so cool. Have you ever heard the post-rock, ambient group Teargas and Plateglass? Their song Plague Burial is kinda like an evil reflection of this one.

  2. 98/100, Damn! will have to check this out.
