Saturday, October 9, 2010

Toro y Moi: Causers of This

Chazwick Bundick is just a normal citizen from Columbia, South Carolina. That is, until he goes by his stage name: Toro y Moi. The explosive force of his debut album, Causers of This, has caused quite a stir in his hometown and around the country alike. Toro y Moi comes from two words originating from both Spanish and French. Toro (bull in Spanish) Y (and in Spanish) Moi (me in French) came up with the name straight from his head with no prior nickname, apparently. Toro y Moi's album combines synth-pop and the chillwave genre to embed a mellow sound into the user's mind. Credited with being another of the chillwave founders, Toro Y Moi holds a good friendship with artist Washed Out. The mixture of unique beats shows just how it's supposed to be done. This album is definitely something to listen to over and over, and should definitely be placed on a device for on-the-go.
Toro y Moi's Causers of This album gets a 9.4 from me. Go get the Australian edition with four scrumptious bonus tracks!


  1. Just wanted to let you know I really enjoyed Passion Pit - Manners. I'm looking forward to this one.

  2. Sounds great, thanks for the review!

  3. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm loving this album too.

  4. Thanks for the comments; it really makes me continue to post more reviews knowing people read them.
